  • Messaging API Introduction
  • Authentication
  • Messages
  • Batches
  • Callbacks
  • Statuses
  • Errors
  • Messaging API Introduction

    Welcome to the Voxtelesys Messaging REST API. This API offers an easy, secure solution to SMS/MMS messaging. Using this API, you can send and receive messages, track the delivery of sent messages, and manage subscriber lists. If at any point you have questions or would like more information please reach out to support.

    Base URL

    All URLs referenced in the API documentation have the following base:


    This API is served over HTTPS to ensure data privacy. Unencrypted HTTP is not supported.

    Number Formatting

    This API uses E.164 number formatting. E.164 is an international standard for the PSTN that ensures number uniqueness. E.164 numbers are formatted [country code][subscriber number] and can have a maximum of 15 digits.


    E.164 Format Country Country Code Subscriber Number
    17019299797 US 1 7019299797



    curl -X GET \
      --url \
      --header 'authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'

    The Voxtelesys Messaging API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API keys via the Voxtelesys Portal. Be sure to keep your API keys secure, and do not share in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, etc.

    To use your API key, simply pass the key in the Authorization header:

    Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>


    The Messages namespace provides the methods necessary to retrieve messages.

    List messages


    curl --request GET \
      --url \
      --header 'authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'

    Response: 200

      "results": [
          "id": "6708f96b76b15fde200deaca",
          "account_id": 190000,
          "trunk_group_id": 70000,
          "time": "2018-03-10T10:30:00.000Z",
          "direction": "outbound",
          "to": "1234567890",
          "from": "198765432",
          "status": "received",
          "segments": 1,
          "rate": 1.00,
          "surcharge": 0,
          "cost": 1.00,
          "registered": true,
          "error": {}
      "count": 1,
      "next_page": "08aea0b2-eaee-42b5-870b-b816bd7fc4cd"

    Endpoint for retrieving your messages.

    HTTP Request


    Query Parameters

    Param Type Description Default Value Example
    page_size integer number of messages to retrieve per page 10 50
    next_page string unique identifier to fetch the next page. Required for pagination null 7d10a422-bd7d-4034-83de-c70caac600ba
    start_date string retrieve messages at or after this time. Dates must be in ISO 8601 format yesterday's date 2018-03-01
    end_date string retrieve messages at or before this time. Dates must be in ISO 8601 format today's date 2018-03-28
    trunk_group_id integer filter messages by service trunk group none 70000

    Retrieve a message


    curl --request GET \
      --url \
      --header 'authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'

    Response: 200

        "id": "6708f96b76b15fde200deaca",
        "account_id": 190000,
        "trunk_group_id": 70000,
        "direction": "outbound",
        "time": "2018-03-10T10:30:00.000Z",
        "to": "1234567890",
        "from": "198765432",
        "status": "received",
        "segments": 1,
        "rate": 1.00,
        "surcharge": 0,
        "cost": 1.00,
        "registered": true,
        "error": {}

    Endpoint for retrieving a message.

    HTTP Request



    The Batches namespace provides the methods necessary to deliver one-to-one and one-to-many SMS/MMS messaging. For larger batches, the API offers body parameterization.

    Send a batch

    Request: SMS without parameterization

    curl --request POST \
      --url \
      --header 'authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \
      --header 'content-type: application/json' \
      --data '{
        "to": ["14024431111"],
        "from": "14024430000",
        "body": "Hi John, your package is delivering to 1111 Westroads Street and should arrive around 12:30 PM."

    Response: 200

      "id": "BPBPqNgILE2urR4S",
      "to": ["14024431111"],
      "from": "14024430000",
      "body": "Hi John, your package is delivering to 1111 Westroads Street and should arrive around 12:30 PM.",
      "modified_at": "2019-02-20T04:19:02Z",
      "expire_at": "2019-02-23T04:19:02Z",
      "status": "pre-processing"

    Request: SMS with parameterization

    curl --request POST \
      --url \
      --header 'authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \
      --header 'content-type: application/json' \
      --data '{
        "to": ["14024431111","14024432222","14024433333"],
        "from": "14024430000",
        "body": "Hi ${name}, your package is delivering to ${address} and should arrive around ${time}.",
        "parameters": {
          "definition": ["name","address","time"],
          "default": ["Customer",0,0],
          "14024431111": ["John","1111 Westroads Street","12:30 PM"],
          "14024432222": ["Luke","2222 Eastroads Plaza","1:00 PM"]

    Response: 200

      "id": "BPBPqNgILE2urR4S",
      "to": ["14024431111","14024432222","14024433333"],
      "from": "14024430000",
      "body": "Hi ${name}, your package is delivering to ${address} and should arrive around ${time}.",
      "parameters": {
        "definition": ["name","address","time"],
        "default": ["Customer",0,0],
        "4024431111": ["John","1111 Westroads Street","12:30 PM"],
        "4024432222": ["Luke","2222 Eastroads Plaza","1:00 PM"]
      "modified_at": "2019-02-20T04:19:02Z",
      "expire_at": "2019-02-23T04:19:02Z",
      "status": "pre-processing"

    Request: MMS

    curl --request POST \
      --url \
      --header 'authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \
      --header 'content-type: application/json' \
      --data '{
        "to": ["14024431111"],
        "from": "14024430000",
        "body": "Hello world with picture!",
        "media": [""]

    Response: 200

      "id": "BPBPqNgILE2urR4S",
      "to": ["14024431111"],
      "from": "14024430000",
      "body": "Hello world with picture!",
      "media": [""],
      "modified_at": "2019-02-20T04:19:02Z",
      "expire_at": "2019-02-23T04:19:02Z",
      "status": "pre-processing"

    Endpoint for sending SMS/MMS messages.


    When creating an SMS/MMS batch, it can be convenient to customize part(s) of the message on a per recipient basis. Parameterization allows you to do just that!

    When defining the message body, just insert as many parameter keys as is required. A key is defined by entering ${key} in the message body, where "key" is the name of the parameter. For each specified parameter key, a recipient and parameter value must also be provided.

    For example, the message body "Your appointment is scheduled for ${time}." contains the parameter key "time". When sending the batch, this key would be replaced with the defined value.

    Parameter values are then provided per recipient, or default values are provided. When providing parameter values, there are three component:

    definition: Specifies the order in which parameter values will be provided in the default and {recipient} arrays.

    default: Specifies the default values. The default value is used if an associated recipient array is not provided. Array size must be the same as definition, where an integer of 0 represents NULL or not provided.

    recipient: Specifies the parameter values to use for the specified recipient. Again, array size must be the same as definition, where an integer of 0 represents NULL or not provided.

    Multimedia (MMS)

    To send media like pictures, videos, and documents you will need to provide the media parameter with one or more URL.

    HTTP Request


    JSON Body Parameters

    Param Type Required Description Example
    to array true list of recipients ["14024431550","14024431551"]
    from string true originator of message 14029999402
    body string true message body Hello world, this is a test message!
    media array false list of URLs to include as media attachments [""]
    tag string false string which will be included in callback events (max 256 chars) 261f6924-6982-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003
    parameters object false object to hold params see sample request
    parameters.definition array false order of params ["name","address","time"]
    parameters.default array false default params ["Customer",0,0]
    parameters.{recipient} array false params for specific recipient ["John","12:30 PM"]
    expire_at string false time to expire campaign. Must be ISO8601 format 2018-01-01 16:00:00 -0600


    Voxtelesys uses HTTP callbacks, also referred to as webhooks, to relay inbound messages (MOs) and delivery receipts (DRs). Callbacks can be sent as either POST or GET requests. For POST requests the MO/DR will be JSON encoded. For GET requests the MO/DR will be URL encoded. You must reply with a HTTP 2xx status code. If a HTTP 2xx is not received, then the callback will be retried over the next 24 hours until a HTTP 2xx is received. After 24 hours, Voxtelesys will discard the callback.

    Callbacks offer the below authentication methods.

    Callbacks can be managed in the Voxtelesys Portal.

    Inbound message (MO)

    Example: SMS message

      "type": "mo",
      "to": "14029999402",
      "from": "14022770210",
      "body": "Example SMS message!",
      "received_at": "2019-02-19T21:22:46Z"

    Example: MMS message

      "type": "mo",
      "to": "14029999402",
      "from": "14022770210",
      "body": "Example MMS message!",
      "media": [""],
      "received_at": "2019-02-19T21:22:46Z"

    Inbound message callbacks, often referred to as mobile originated (MO) callbacks, are generated when messages are sent to your SMS/MMS enabled numbers.

    Property Type Required Description
    type string true callback type
    to string true phone number the message was sent to
    from string true phone number the message was sent from
    body string true body of message
    media array false URLs of media, if MMS
    received_at string true time message was received in ISO 8601 format

    Per recipient (DR)

    Delivery receipts sent on a per recipient basis generate one callback for every recipient in a batch. The delivery receipt is sent when the message reaches a final status.

    Example: delivered message

      "type": "per_recipient",
      "batch_id": "Z0S0jQOf8_hl9YRt",
      "message_id": "5e66da76e53cd156f205c612",
      "to": "14024431111",
      "status": "delivered",
      "time": "2019-02-19T21:22:46Z"

    Example: failed message

      "type": "per_recipient",
      "batch_id": "Z0S0jQOf8_hl9YRt",
      "message_id": "5e66f1dbe53cd156f205c614",
      "to": "14024431112",
      "status": "failed ",
      "time": "2019-02-19T21:22:46Z",
      "error": {
        "code": 4504,
        "description": "carrier rejected invalid message"
    Property Type Required Description
    type string true callback type
    batch_id string true ID of batch
    message_id string true ID of message
    tag string false custom string sent with batch
    to string true phone number the message was sent to
    status string true final message status
    time string true time message was sent in ISO 8601 format
    error object false error of message
    error.code int false detailed error code
    error.description string false detailed error description


    Message statuses

    Every message has an associated status. Once a message reaches a final status, no further actions will be taken with the message. The list of possible statuses is provided below.

    Status Type Description
    queued intermediate Message has been queued and will be sent according to account rate limit.
    delivering intermediate Message has been sent and is awaiting final delivery status.
    delivered final Message has been delivered.
    failed final Message failed to be delivered.
    unknown final Final delivery state is unknown.
    expired final Message expired before being sent.

    Batch statuses

    Every batch has an associated status. Once a batch reaches a final status, all messaging has been completed and no further actions will be taken with the batch. The list of possible statuses is provided below.

    Status Type Description
    pre-processing intermediate Batch is being validated.
    in-progress intermediate Batch has been validated and is actively sending messages.
    completed final Batch completed successfully.
    expired final Batch expired before it was completed. All queued messages are deleted and no further messaging is sent from this batch.


    Voxtelesys reports outbound messaging errors via HTTP callbacks. Errors while interacting with the REST API are returned in response to the request. If you have any questions or need help resolving errors please contact support.

    HTTP errors

    Code Description
    401 Unauthorized - The provided credentials failed. Please see authentication for more details.
    404 Not Found - The request URL and/or HTTP method was not found.
    422 Unprocessable Entity - The request data and/or parameters are not valid.
    500 Internal Server Error - An error occurred within the server. Please contact Voxtelesys with the provided error_id to resolve this error.

    Messaging errors

    Code Description
    4101 rejected as SPAM
    4102 invalid message encoding
    4103 invalid to number
    4104 invalid from number
    4105 forbidden to number
    4106 forbidden from number
    4107 unallocated to number
    4108 unallocated from number
    4109 invalid media url
    4110 invalid media size
    4111 forbidden country
    4112 invalid message length
    4113 opt-in not satisfied
    4114 opt-out satisfied
    4115 invalid body mapping
    4116 duplicate to number
    4501 carrier rejected invalid service type
    4502 carrier rejected invalid destination address
    4503 carrier rejected invalid source address
    4504 carrier rejected invalid message
    4505 carrier rejected message too long
    4506 carrier rejected as SPAM
    4507 carrier rejected user opt out
    4508 carrier rejected unknown msisdn
    4509 carrier rejected bad msisdn
    5101 carrier service unavailable
    5102 carrier service error
    5103 carrier application error
    5104 carrier routing error
    5105 carrier unknown error
    5300 internal error
    5301 internal error
    5302 internal error
    5303 internal error
    5304 internal error
    5305 internal error
    5306 internal error
    5307 internal error
    5308 internal error
    5309 internal error
    5310 internal error
    5311 internal error